Welcome to St. Paul's Junior High!
Important Information and Announcements
Our St. Paul’s JH Drama Club is excited to announce that we are doing a production of Shrek the Musical on March 12th at Holy Heart Theatre! Save the Date. Tickets go on Sale February 1st.
Explore French Language Immersion Program
Applications are now open for the 2025 Explore French Language Immersion Program!
Explore is an intensive immersion program which offers students aged 13-15 years and students aged 16+ in this province the opportunity to explore French language and culture through social and travel experiences. For more information on Explore, click HERE.
Application Portal and Deadline
The Application Portal for Explore is open and applications are being accepted. Click here to APPLY NOW.
The deadline for applications is February 4, 2025.
Information Sessions for Students and Parents
Information sessions have been planned for the following dates and are open to students and/or their parents.
The dates and times of the sessions in 2025 are as follows :
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
7:30 pm (Newfoundland Standard Time - NST)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
9:00 pm (Newfoundland Standard Time - NST)
You will find these sessions on the Official Languages Programs Facebook Page, under events. More information on the programs is available on the Official Languages Programs Facebook Page. Sessions above are in English only. Additional information sessions are also available in French.
If you have questions regarding Explore, please reach out to Brigitte Allain brigitteallain@gov.nl.ca who will be able to help you clarify details on the Explore application process or available sessions.
Bussing Information/Parking Lot
A reminder that cars are allowed on the parking lot once the buses are parked waiting for pick up at the end of the day (2:50-3:10 pm)
To see the updated bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year, click HERE.
Wondering about extra-curricular activities at SPJH? Check it our HERE.
Daily Schedule
Our daily schedule has changed slightly. To see the updated times, click HERE.
To report an absence, please use School Messenger: go.schoolmessenger.ca
NOTE: When using School Messenger, always click on the FULL DAY option when reporting an absence, even is your child will only be absent for a partial day. SafeArrival will NOT mark your child as absent for the full day, instead, at the end of each school day, it will change all the “unexcused absences” to the code you have indicated (absent due to illness, absent excused, etc.). So, even if you indicate they will be absent for the full day, only the periods that they were actually absent will be marked absent in our system according to the code you provide. This update occurs at the end of the school day, so your child will be marked absent unexcused until the update occurs at the end of the school day.
For general attendance inquiries and to sign your child in or out during the school day, email: stpaulsjrh@nlesd.ca
Please note that St. Paul's is equipped with a video/electronic surveilance system.